Posts Tagged ‘draw like a monkey’

Draw like a monkey

May 28th, 2009

Vídeo 4 draw like a monkey.
Vi esta idea tan bonita en el blog de cosas mínimas (Blanca García)
y me gustó mucho.

Desde la web del proyecto dicen:

Draw Like A Monkey is a project where art, love and magic meet. It came to our attention that people love to watch artists when they draw. The magic of seeing a drawing come to life not only captivates but inspire people too. DrawLikeAMonkey tries to bring inspiration to everybody but specially children, to become active in creative activities. Artists must be specifically invited by DrawLikeAMonkey staff. The contributions are all made specially for this project and not other purpose than promoting art among non-artists. If you have a question or want to talk to us, send a line to drawlikeamonkey *at* gmail *dot* com, thank you.

Consiste en dibujar delante de la cámara!

Ésta es mi primera aportación, un pájaro que vuela desde el papel.

draw like a monkey