Posts Tagged ‘Susana Barragués’

Haiku #3

May 24th, 2010

Videohaiku made with Susana Barragués. This time we also proudly present: Aurelia, Chemi and Nano as guest stars.

Haiku #3 from cecimolano on Vimeo.

Raya de tiza.
Uno frente a otro se
quitan la ropa.

Haiku #1 with Susana Barragués.

February 15th, 2010


These days, when I find a small object I write to Susana. The other day at the flea market it was an old small birdcage that calls me.

So, I took it home and I wrote to her:
“Dear Susana, I found a small birdcage and it needs a poem”.

She answer to me with this “poemcage”:
Ya no te quiero
princesa empapada.
Toco el cuchillo.

I don’t want you anymore
Wet princess
I touch the knife.

This video is my answer to her:

Haiku #1 with Susana Barragués. from cecimolano on Vimeo.